To the future and beyond

The Flock and Herd have now joined Facebook. We hope you will like us over there!

Lambing will start around the 21st April with calving following a bit later.


Yesterday the cows had a special delivery of 16 bales of silage. Which is conserved grass. They are eating about 4 bales a week now but hopefully the grass will start growing soon!

Sheep onto Fleecefaulds

In the Southern Compartment. Fancy being a volunteer shepherd? No previous experience required.


An SWT calf, tucking into SWT hay, made on an SWT reserve by SWT staff and volunteers. Now that’s self sufficiency!

20 November, 2013 20:00

Bliss driving the sheep to the pens.

Gathering at Aberlady

Was colder than it looks!

Sun on backs

After a wet week!


Very sad day yesterday.

Me first, no me, its my turn…!

80 odd ewes showing just how much they like going for trailer rides. They came running to greet me!

Pea soup

Here is a good test for young Bliss. Gathering in fog!